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Eleven years ago, the world I was familiar with ended. My _______ was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Over the course of seven months, Bill went from_______ me at tennis to needing my help to go to the bathroom.

It was the_______ time of my life. Maybe not_______. But it was certainly the time when I felt most alive. I _______ that a flat tire or the small complaints of a child with the sniffles (抽鼻子)_______ in comparison with the beauty of sudden laughter, the night sky, the _______ of a bakery. I found I could _______ myself to see more beauty.

In the days after Bill’s diagnosis and brain surgery, being his caregiver _______ me to find clinical trials and talk to different oncologists, which gave me a sense of________. In the later days, it meant being fully present for almost every moment. During his last weekend, a relative________ him. I noticed that she’d changed her appearance, and not in a good way. It was the kind of thought I’d ________ keep to myself. Just then, Bill ________ exactly what I’d been thinking, in that ruthlessly (鲁莽地) truthful way he had, and I found myself________ out loud.

“I could live with this man forever, even________ as much care as he does,” I thought. However, he would be dead in four________!

Eleven years later, I still try to be the ________  I became during those seven months. I try to be a little more ________ and generous, a little more grateful for the small __________ in life. It was my husband’s last, best __________ to me.

1.A.child B.husband C.father D.brother

2.A.teaching B.encouraging C.beating D.hugging

3.A.best B.worst C.hardest D.longest

4.A.correctly B.exactly C.fortunately D.fluently

5.A.discovered B.figured C.confirmed D.hoped

6.A.changed B.expanded C.appeared D.faded

7.A.tastes B.sales C.smells D.noises

8.A.persuade B.force C.command D.train

9.A.allowed B.required C.requested D.forbade

10.A.security B.dignity C.purpose D.humor

11.A.comforted B.visited C.inspected D.invited

12.A.regularly B.currently C.usually D.occasionally

13.A.announced B.repeated C.yelled D.voiced

14.A.laughing B.smiling C.crying D.breaking

15.A.declining B.accepting C.claiming D.needing

16.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years

17.A.caregiver B.person C.advisor D.nurse

18.A.demanding B.promising C.forgiving D.living

19.A.complaints B.points C.talks D.moments

20.A.gift B.lesson C.memory D.information

