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Cuju was developed in China around 500 B. C. and was played with a leather ball. It is considered by FIFA as the 1. ( early ) form of football. During the Han Dynasty, the popularity of Cuju 2. ( spread) from the army to the royal courts and upper classes. It 3. ( say) that Emperor Wu of nan enjoyed the  sport. Cuju 4. ( match) were often held inside the imperial palace.

Cuju was further developed 5.. the Tang Dynasty. There were dozens of well-organized Cuju leagues in Chang'an. 6. was then the capital of the Empire. The rules, fields and facilities for Cuju became more advanced, for example, balls filled with air and Cuju goals appeared during this period. 7. was also during this age that similar games were being played in Korea and Japan, and 8. (gradual) worldwide.

Cuju was most developed during the Song Dynasty because of the social and economic development. At that time, 9. (profession) Cuju players were quite popular. They fell into two groups: One was trained by and performed for the royal court and the other talented civilians who made a 10. (live) as Cuju players.

