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The Duanwu Festival, known as the Dragon Boat Festival, 1. (found) in memory of Qu Yuan, 2.  was a scholar and minister of the state of Chu during the Warring States period (475-221BC). The festival date is on the 3. (five) day of May on the Chinese lunar calendar.

Traditional celebrations of the Dragon Boat Festival include 4. (eat) zongzi, drinking wine and racing dragon boats. You don’t have to live in China long to know the 5. (country) most popular foods with good stories behind them. That’s 6. (particular) true of zongzi, which have been connected 7. the Dragon Boat Festival for more than a thousand years.

Zongzi, rice dumplings wrapped in 8. (leaf), remain with us today as the traditional way 9. (celebrate) the Dragon Boat Festival. In general, northern Chinese prefer sweet versions of these steamed treats while southerners like 10. (salt) tastes.In the north, some zongzi are plain, to be dipped into sugar. In the south, however, creative locals over centuries have added ham chestnuts and mushrooms into zongzi.

