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Have you ever noticed how the way you feel about yourself sometimes depends on whether or not you get confirmation of your value from others?

I have______a lot about nurturing a positive identity of love and appreciation from the man who taught me to train dogs.

First, he started out by ______his dogs with love and respect, and by showing them an infinite amount of______as they were learning.

Then, the______thing he did was a true stroke of genius. He would cut a small piece of______for each dog. He would place it in the dog's sleeping area, for him to______each night. He would also take this carpet during the______and set it down in various locations, and sit the dog on the carpet, as he______the dog for being good.

Next, Frank would teach the dog to______the carpet himself, and carry it to_____ they were going. The dog would then set the carpet down when they______, with Frank all of the time praising him. Now Frank said, "The dog begins to feel that he truly______in every place he travels to, and no matter where he goes, he______my love and appreciation. "

If this strategy______so brilliantly with dogs, would it not work just______with human beings?

1.A.learned B.accumulated C.improved D.distinguished

2.A.pleasing B.treating C.surrounding D.chasing

3.A.sympathy B.comfort C.patience D.honor

4.A.first B.last C.next D.least

5.A.cloth B.meat C.area D.carpet

6.A.lie on B.hide in C.stand beside D.play with

7.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.day

8.A.blamed B.encouraged C.praised D.accompanied

9.A.carry with B.care for C.cut up D.pick up

10.A.wherever B.whenever C.however D.whatever

11.A.ran B.stopped C.stood D.turned

12.A.participated B.breaks C.belongs D.corresponds

13.A.receives B.expects C.ignores D.takes

14.A.works B.goes C.agrees D.applies

15.A.as possible B.as well C.better than D.still less

