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Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Blowing a Few Tops

Ever stopped to consider the upside of volcanic eruptions? It’s not all death, destruction and hot liquid rock—scientists have a plan to cool the planet by simulating one such eruption.

Solar geoengineering involves simulating a volcano by spraying aerosols(气溶胶) into the atmosphere. When they combine with oxygen, droplets of sulfuric acid (硫酸) form. These droplets reflect sunlight away from Earth, cooling the planet. All good in theory, but the consequences are largely unknown and a few could be disastrous. In a study recently published in Nature Communications, researchers led by Anthony Jones, a climate scientist from the University of Exeter, found that using this technology in the Northern Hemisphere could reduce the number of tropical winds hitting the U.S. and Caribbean. But there's an annoying exchange: more winds in the Southern Hemisphere and a drought across the Sahel region of Africa. That’s because the entire climate system is linked—disrupting one region will invariably affect another. How would a nation react if another was causing its weather to get much worse? Would that be an act of war?

There is, however, a case for using solar geoengineering on a global scale. Jones says it could be used to “take the edge off” the temperature increases scientists are predicting. It could be used while the world searches for more effective strategies.

The study also highlights a far bigger problem with solar geoengineering: its complete lack of regulation. “There’s nothing that could stop one country just doing it,” Jones says. “You only need about 100 aircraft with three flights per day. It would cost $1 billion to $10 billion per year.” He adds, “It’s deeply disturbing that we have this technology that could have such a massive influence on the climate, yet there’s just no regulation to stop countries or even organizations from doing it.”

Jones cautions that there is much about the climate system we do not understand, as well as far more work that will need to be done before solar geoengineering is considered safe—or too dangerous to even discuss.


