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Last year, I went through every high school senior’s nightmare: I was ________ by all the colleges I applied to. It’s not that I was a bad ________. So when I got turned down, I got into a ________. I thought there was only one path to ________, and I wasn’t on it. While all my friends had many choices, I was left ________ what future I could have.

When my panic ________, I signed in a community college. I wasn’t ________. I thought the incompetent teachers ________ their students’ sleep in class. I was so wrong. The ________ of my professors were so poetic, and my classmates were ________—they could figure out kinds of difficult things.

I decided to give myself a year of ________. Aside from required courses, I ________ a range of classes. I know it seems like some ________ classes, but it allowed me to ________ what I want. I used to have this idea that I had to rush to ________ a certain level of success by a certain age. But a year of community college has taught me to ________, and to recognize that things take time to ________. I still hope to transfer to a four-year ________ next year, but now I am a more mature person.

Being around the ________ has made me realize that I’m not late ________. There’s more than one way to get to where you want to go.

1.A.accused B.praised C.accepted D.refused

2.A.student B.teacher C.headmaster D.colleague

3.A.mess B.panic C.trouble D.dilemma

4.A.aspiration B.progress C.success D.destruction

5.A.facing B.predicting C.doubting D.wondering

6.A.faded B.burdened C.balanced D.transferred

7.A.excited B.tired C.worried D.shocked

8.A.offered B.guide C.ignored D.led

9.A.notes B.methods C.behaviors D.lectures

10.A.friendly B.intelligent C.ambitious D.polite

11.A.experiment B.expectation C.effort D.exploration

12.A.bought B.took C.studied D.occupied

13.A.random B.suitable C.comprehensive D.wonderful

14.A.care for B.choose from C.know about D.put on

15.A.avoid B.enjoy C.achieve D.finish

16.A.look for B.give up C.turn on D.slow down

17.A.concern B.provide C.satisfy D.adjust

18.A.club B.university C.company D.organization

19.A.children B.workmates C.classmates D.friends

20.A.hardly B.entirely C.generally D.rarely

