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阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

When was the last time you picked something up to read? You can ___________  your answer on your lack of time if you must, but you are missing a lot of wonderful ___________ of reading.

Reading can ___________ people's lives in some of the following ways: ___________ and spiritually. Also, you

can acquire ___________  information and enrich your knowledge.

Firstly, the activity of reading helps exercise your mind,  ___________ your mind begins to bend and flex  (伸缩)mentally when reading. Just like taking physical exercise helps you keep slim,  ___________  reading routine ensures that the reading muscle stays iii good___________  .Keep on reading, and what you need is a  ___________  to make reading a part of your life.

Secondly, reading can also improve your ___________  to focus. Burying your head in a book can free you from your everyday troubles and ___________for a while. When the mind is trained, it begins to focus on what you are doing ___________ you can forget those unpleasant things. That's why reading keeps you in good spirits.

Thirdly, there is no greater.  ___________ .to getting information than through reading. You can    ___________   your mind greatly if you insist on reading. You can ___________  the knowledge left by those who came before you, which has ___________   changed your lives. Nearly all successful people will tell you that they have learned  ___________things by reading and there is at least one book that has greatly changed their lives.

In short, reading can help you to  ___________ a solid basis for your future, which will allow you to  ___________many goals you have for your life. Reading    ___________    your success in the future. Start reading right now and

you'll make it,

1.A.concentrate   B. put       C. blame       D. pass

2.A.aims       B. motivations  C. traditions   D. benefits

3.A.present      B. improve     C. assess     D. prove

4.A.socially     B. materially   C. physically   D. mentally

5.A.abundant      B. limited     C. private      D. absurd

6.A.as         B.so        C.or          D.but

7.A.usual       B. regular   C. common     D. normal

8.A.size        B. shape     C. height      D. weight

9.A.barrier      B. force     C. determination D. process

10.A.ability     B. decision   C. strength     D. position

11.A.thrills     B. challenges  C. excitements  D. worries

12.A.in case     B. as if      C. so that     D. only if

13.A.answer     B. solution     C. attitude     D. approach

14.A.increase   B. explain     C. expand      D. express

15.A.take in     B. work out   C. give up      D.show off

16.A.secretly   B. bravely     C. purposely   D. positively

17.A.fewer        B. more        C. worse      D. easier

18.A.build       B. offer      C. apply      D. put

19.A.establish   B.achieve     C.imagine      D. miss

20.A.results from  B. lies in     C. contributes to D. makes up

