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How to raise a sweet boy in an era of anger

Hours after I gave birth to my first child,my husband held our five-pound boy in his arms and said,gently,"Hi,Sweet pea."Not“"Buddy”or"Little Man."Sweet pea.The word filled me with unexpected comfort.Like most parents,we knew what we'd name our son but never discussed how we'd speak to him.I was witnessing my husband's commitment to raising a sweet boy.

Because this is what the world needs now,urgently:sweet boys and people who grow them.

There are so many angry men among us.There are angry women,too,but they're only beginning to claim this emotion that has long been denied them.Women 's public anger is the kind of anger that gives girls voices,such as MeToo.But men 's anger tries to shut down the voices of others.Today's angriest women encourage people to solve a problem;today's angriest men murder.

A man uses his car to murder an anti-Nazi protester.A man shoots a congressman at his baseball practice.A man commits mass murder at a Vegas concert.A man kills a large number of worshipers in their church...

The world has turned so upside down that it is impossible for a man to display his vulnerability(脆弱)。Walk into any baby store,and you can see clothes for newborns declare, "TOUGH LIKE DADDY”"。They don't receive explicit encouragement to fully access their emotions.Boys have always known they could do anything;all they had to do was look around at their presidents,religious leaders,professional athletes,at the statues that stand erect in big cities and small.Girls have always known they were allowed to feel anything- except anger.Now girls,led by women,are being told they can own righteous anger.Now they can feel what they want and be what they want.

What about boys?The boy taught from infancy to be tough still seems emotionally doomed.It's time to change.

We don't need to raise kids with gender neutrality or deny natural differences between boys and girls.We do need to recognize that children,regardless of gender,have natural sweetness that we,as a society,would do well to develop and preserve.

Sweet boys grow up to be men who recognize the strength in being vulnerable and sympathetic.Sweet boys are children who've been given,by their parents and wider society, the permission to feel everything and to express those emotions without shame.

At a young age,this should be done explicitly,in organized discussions at school.It must be done all the time in our family homes.Parents must invite their sons to be sad, afraid,hurt,silly and affectionate,and must embrace them as often as they hug and kiss their daughters.Sweet boys learn early on that they can defend themselves against loneliness by reaching out and asking for support rather than turning into people who, literally,grab for power.Sweet boys evolve into open-hearted men who aren't confused about consent and sexual boundaries,because they experience women as equals.Boys will not be merely boys.If we let them,boys will be human.

How to raise a sweet boy in an era of anger


Calling my first son"sweet pea",my husband is1.to raising a sweet boy.

The 2.for raising a sweet boy

1. Our world is a world filled with anger.

3.from a woman's anger,today's angriest man murder.

2.Our world is a world where a man can't display his vulnerability.

●Boys are 4.from accessing their true emotions.

●Boys are encouraged to5. for power.

The ways to raise a sweet boy

●Raise public6.that regardless of gender, children are born with sweetness.

●Schools and families should give boys  7. to feel everything and express those emotions 8.

Parents should create a relaxed environment where sons and daughters are treated as 9.

●Encourage boys to10.support to defend themselves against loneliness.

