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Going to work every day can be a very stressful and frustrating situation when you're dealing with a difficult co-worker.1. Learn how to effectively handle a problem-causing co-worker in order to maintain your sanity and your work productivity.

2. People often act out in order to receive attention from others. A co-worker with a bad attitude may feel like no one ever listens to her. Listen intently to what your co-worker says, and make a point to show her that you are concentrating on what she is saying with occasional nods and questions.

Change your scenery for a few minutes. Work days can be tiring and long. Sometimes, all you might need is a slight, temporary change in scenery.3. Either go for a five-minute outdoor walk or sit in the company lounge by yourself with a hot cup of coffee. Refresh yourself so you may be able to come back to your Co-worker with a better state of mind.

Communicate with your co-worker. Understand that if you do not voice your concerns to your co-worker, it is unlikely that she will ever change. After all, she may not even know that a problem exists. If you are unable to confront your co-worker, just politely ask her to have a chat, openly talking to her about what is bothering you. Ask her if you do anything to bother her, as well.4.

Treat your co-worker as nicely as possible. When someone is treating you kindly, it can become significantly more difficult to treat her badly in return.5. She may even feel guilty about her mistreatment of you and change her behavior.

A.Follow her ideas if possible.

B.Lend an ear to your co-worker.

C.Speak to your co-worker in a kind way.

D.Find out the good things in your co-worker.

E.Take quick "time outs" every couple of hours.

F.Without proper action, things might tum into a mess.

G.Ty to come up with a solution that both of you can handle.

