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Laboratory studies have shown that prolonged exposure to high intensity blue light damages retinal (视网膜的) cells in mice.1.So, why is there the disconnect between blue light's effects on rodent(啮齿类动物) eyes and human eyes?

2.We have protective elements, such as macular pigments (黄斑色素) and the natural blue-blocking ability of the crystalline lens (晶状体). These structures absorb blue light before it reaches the delicate retina.

Just because blue light isn't harming your retina, it doesn't mean your electronic devices are harmless.3.Mounting evidence suggests that screen time before bed increases the time it takes to fall sleep. It also robs you of restorative rapid-eye movement seep, dulls focus, and reduces brain activity the next day.


First, turn off your electronic devices before bed. Outside of the bedroom, when you do look at your screens, lower the brightness.

Second, follow the“20-20-20”rule The American Optometric Association(美国验光学会) defines this rule as taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet in the distance. 5.

Third, use lubricating eye drops before extended computer use. This method will build up the body's natural tears and keep the eye's surface water-bearing.

A.This will allow your eyes to relax.

B.Human eyes are different from rodent eyes.

C.That's why it's so important to have your eyes tested regularly.

D.Because of is wavelength, blue light dos disrupt healthy sleep physiology (生理机能).

E.But epidemiological (流行病学的) studies on real people tell a different story.

F.Consumers often don't think about the impact digital devices might have on their vision.

G.There are ways to make your screen viewing more comfortable and more helpful to seep.

