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Sometimes it’s hard to imagine how a new technology will affect your life. Nobody thought that 10 years after getting the internet in their homes, they’d be online everywhere and all the time with smart phones. Have a look and get prepared for what’s coming.

Hyperautomation (超级自动化)

Hyperautomation is the combination of machine learning software and automation tools to do work. What does hyperautomation look like? With hyperautomation, the coffeemaker is involved in every step of the process. It uses machine learning to know how much coffee you like to make, what time you like to make it, and how often. It orders more beans for you --your favorite brand - when the amount gets low. It also coordinates(协作)with your dishwasher to make sure your favorite cup is clean and ready. The social robot market is expected to be worth $19 billion by the end of 2025. By then, each home could have robots that rival the intelligence of science fiction’s most beloved droids (机器人),like Star Wars,C-3PO.

Practical Blockchain

Organizations should begin evaluating blockchain (区块链),which has the potential to change industries . It can provide trust and value exchange throughout society.

Aside from its possible use as a currency, blockchain can also be used to track real-world items. For example, contaminated (被污染的)food - especially vegetables - can be traced back to its date and place of packaging.

There are also so-called “smart” contracts. These are simple programs written into the blockchain. With these, events can trigger actions. For example, if you order from Taobao, your payment is held until the delivery guy marks your shipment “completed”. Then payment is immediately received by the seller. Similarly, a student’s university allowance could be limited by a parent to only be spent on necessary things .

1.What do we know about hyperautomation?

A.It is by nature a computer program. B.It is mainly used in the kitchen.

C.It makes robots in science fiction a reality. D.It has huge commercial potential.

2.How does the author illustrate blockchain?

A.By making comparisons. B.By giving examples.

C.By explaining the process. D.By stating arguments.

3.What benefit can blockchain bring us?

A.Computer programs can be made simpler.

B.The money you pay can directly go to the seller.

C.A revolution in industries may take place.

D.Polluted vegetables will no longer exist.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Modem Technology Released B.Automation Evolved

C.World Changed D.Living Standards Improved

