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Every summer, we invite young writers to join our team for our six-week summer program. Think of yourself as an extension of our team where you will be writing main Youngzine articles.

We will work with you and after the first 1-2 articles, most of our young writers are up and running on their own. We will be selecting 4-6 young writers to join our team this year and will guide you through the experience. Does this sound like a challenge you are up to? First, let’s answer some questions that you might have.

How Old Should I Be?

Most of our Young Editors are typically 13-17 years of age. You will be writing on politics, science, environment and other current events which will require you to read and understand the background material. If you have strong writing skills, are part of your school newspaper or see yourself as a future journalist, this is for you!

How Long Is the Program?

It is a six-week program from July to mid-August, where you will be writing one article a week. We understand summer is also a time for vacations, and we are flexible as long as you inform us in advance.

What Do We Expect from a Young Editor?

Good writing skills and the ability to communicate your thoughts clearly are most important since you are writing for other young readers. We  use current events to explain the underlying context or a concept, so you will need to put your research hats on. It is important that articles be unprejudiced and state all points of view of an issue. And of course, your articles have to be original—no copying! We will send you guidelines if you are selected. A few benefits of being a summer writer:

Your work will be seen by young readers all over the world.

Your knowledge of topics deepens, broadens and widens as you research and write articles.

Is that reason enough to want to join? Send us an email to editor@youngzine.org.

Please contact us by June 10 if you are interested.

1.What do we know about the summer program?

A.It is a vacation-free program.

B.It lasts for almost three months.

C.It is mainly designed for college students.

D.It asks participants to finish one article per week.

2.The summer program expects the editors who _______.

A.express their thoughts effectively B.understand all points of a concept

C.are curious about research methods D.have broad knowledge of many topics

3.The passage intends to _______.

A.hold a writing activity B.help sharpen writing skills

C.clarify the qualities of editors D.call for summer young writers

