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Have you ever gotten the feeling that a person you were friends with had a hidden schedule or simply couldn't care about your thoughts and opinions? Trying to tell the difference between someone who is genuine and someone who is faking (虚伪) it can be as confusing as trying to tell the difference between a work of art and a well-made copy.1. Read the advice of the following signs of fake people to determine which of your relationships is worth seriously investing in.

They only respect those in positions of power. When it comes to respect, most would agree that everyone is deserving of this sentiment. Yet, fake people have a tendency to only respect people in power. Watch out for people who aren't respectful of everyone around them.2.

3. Only those who lack real quality feel the need to criticize others to keep up appearances. Sincere individuals would rather admire and praise others, while fakers may be quick to put others down in name of making themselves look better.

They make promises they can't keep. A genuine person will do their best to live up to promises and commitments, but a fake person may talk the talk without walking the walk.4.

They're only nice if there's something in it for them.5. In comparison, genuine people are just that genuine. They're nice and helpful no matter what circumstances.

Keep an eye out for these signs of fake people and make room for more meaningful, genuine relationships in your life.

A.If not, they may be faking it.

B.They work hard to build any relationship.

C.They put others down in order to look good.

D.But thanks to some advice, the former doesn't have to be.

E.In comparison, a genuine person knows when to let others shine.

F.A fake person is one who only shows kindness when it benefits them.

G.Fake people easily make commitments, but rarely follow through on them.

