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There are few things in life that are more irritating(令人愤怒的):You are mid-conversation with a friend. Suddenly he bursts out laughing,making you think you've made a brilliant joke. But then he says:"Sorry,I wasn't laughing at you,I just saw something really funny on micro blog. "He even begins replying to a text message or checking his e-mails.

The Guardian described the scene that a friend's face buried in a screen"a distinct 21 st-century problem". The phenomenon even coins a new word"phubbing",referring to the act of snubbing(冷落) others in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of paying attention. According to research by advertising agency McCann in the UK,37 percent of people feel it is worse not to answer a message than it is to"phub"your friends.

Phil Reed,a professor of psychology at Swansea University who has studied Internet addiction disorder,said many phubbers show symptoms of addiction to their mobile phone.

Like pointing or picking your nose,phubbing is widely considered rude,which can be seen from the popularity of"Stop Phubbing"campaign,which started in Australia by 23-year-old Alex Haigh who wants to shame people who snub friends and family they are with in favor of checking their mobile phone.

The campaign's website claims that"97 percent of people claim their food tasted worse while being a victim of phubbing"and"92 percent of repeat phubbers go on to become politicians".

According to Katy Steinmetz,reporter with Time,phubbing"has a much greater potential to hamper(阻碍)real-life connections by making people around us feel like we care more about posts than their presence". She believes it is the reason why the campaign can resonate(产生共鸣)with people and is getting press around the world.

In the UK,Glamour magazine even imagined just how Jane Austen would have satirized(讽刺)those in need of social etiquette(礼节)when it comes to using their smartphone. Or,to paraphrase(意译)the novelist,how it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man(or woman)in possession of a good smartphone must be in want of manners.

1.The example in the opening paragraph is used to show

A.how people benefit from modern technology

B.how to reply text messages and e-mails properly

C.how to avoid hurting your friends'feelings

D.how mobile phone addiction damages our social relations

2.The purpose of the"Stop Phubbing"campaign is to_

A.persuade people to stop using mobile phones

B.give professional advice to phubbing victims

C.help people realize the rudeness of phubbing behaviors

D.encourage people to spend more time with their family

3.Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the article?

A.People who often phub are more likely to make a successful politician.

B.Pointing or picking one's nose are common symptoms of phubbers.

C.Phubbing is against human nature in that we do need real-life connections.

D.More than one third British would rather not answer a message than phub their friends.

4.What is the tone of the last paragraph?





