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When a couple of teenagers started an organization in 2018 to collect toiletries(洗漱用品) for those in need, they had no experience in the nonprofit sector.

__ they didn't have the experience, they really made a (( n)) ____  impact. Toothbrush, their nonprofit organization, has __ personal products—worth more than $ 65,000—to local soup kitchens (救济站)and homeless __.

The idea to start the organization __ one morning when Joshua Farahzad, 17 at the time, was brushing his teeth. He thought about the __ of ordinary items like the toothbrush he held in his hand.

"There is nothing __ about it,” Farahzad said in a recent interview. “But a toothbrush is something that has a lot of health impact. Poor oral hygiene (口腔卫生) __ all sorts of things."

Farahzad then went to talk to his friend Hugh Ferguson, now 20. "We were itching to do something/* Farahzad said.

So they began calling a few local soup kitchens.

They learned that the soup kitchens would sometimes have plenty of food to __ for months, but they would ___ toiletries, like toothbrushes, toothpaste and diapers. The problem needed __.

That's when the two teenagers found their niche(合适的职业).

The two students started walking down the streets and ____ for the donation of toothbrushes and other __ , and then gave them to local shelters and food kitchens.

___ helping others, they also learned from the __ . “We ____ a lot of confidence. . . by standing outside the stores and having to approach people. We can approach them with confidence and a smile,” Farahzad said. “If you don't set up the drive(活动)and just ___outside the stores, no one else will do it."

Several years on, hundreds of students have joined the organization to __ in the drives. On a recent sunny Sunday, the group collected $ 450 worth of toiletries over three hours. A donor named Phyllis Stones, 69, gave ____ to their drives.

"They are not asking for money. Just items. They are giving their time, too,” Stone said, something small. But it can make a big difference in someone's __ Everybody needs a little bit of help."

1.A.Now that B.Given that C.Shortly after D.Even though

2.A.positive B.interesting C.complex D.extra

3.A.turned B.expressed C.donated D.lent

4.A.theatres B.shelters C.gardens D.hospitals

5.A.gathered B.burst C.existed D.came

6.A.value B.quality C.structure D.power

7.A.attractive B.curious C.extraordinary D.significant

8.A.results from B.leads to C.takes to D.arises from

9.A.sell B.last C.deliver D.make

10.A.make use of B.get rid of C.take advantage of D.run out of

11.A.admission B.trust C.attention D.evidence

12.A.calling B.answering C.applying D.standing

13.A.possessions B.foods C.tools D.supplies

14.A.In case of B.Free from C.For fear of D.In addition to

15.A.researches B.hobbies C.missions D.lessons

16.A.gained B.appreciated C.judged D.spread

17.A.bargain B.stand C.complain D.joke

18.A.perform B.discuss C.exercise D.volunteer

19.A.advice B.permission C.support D.patience

20.A.life B.profession C.study D.schedule

