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Every two or three months, Thyago Ohana goes out on the busy streets of Vienna with a sign saying “Free Hugs”. The handsome 32-year-old Brazilian, who works in international trade at India’s Vienna embassy, chooses a popular site, like the historic shopping street, Kaemtner Strasse. There he opens his arms to anyone who wants a hearty embrace (拥抱).

He does it because back in 2012, when he was feeling very stressed and anxious during a visit to Paris, a stranger gave him a free hug. He’s never forgotten how it filled him with unexpected calm and joy.

For those who take up his offer, the hug makes them laugh and smile. But sometimes it does more, as when an elderly woman in a tour group stopped and watched him. The group moved on, but she remained and asked, “Can I have a hug?” “Of course you can!” said Thyago who wrapped his arms round her. When they broke their embrace, she kept holding onto his shoulders and looked into his eyes. “Thank you,” she said. “I can’t remember the last time I was hugged this way.”

It’s a memory that still makes Thyago emotional. “It was a really powerful moment of human connection. It’s why I keep doing it.”

Of our live senses, our sense of touch is the one that is most easily taken for granted. “A child can be born blind or deaf and they will grow up just fine,” says David J Linden, author of Touch. The Science of Hand, Heart and Mind. “Yet if a baby is lacking in loving social touch for the first two years of life, then all sorts of disasters unfold.” That’s one reason why when babies are born, they are now usually placed on their mother’s skin.

Linden says however you do it, “maximizing touch in your life is a good thing”— whether holding hands, petting a dog, going to the hairdresser, hugging our kids, our partners or even a stranger.

1.Why did Thyago Ohana offer free hugs to strangers?

A.He longed for calm and joy.

B.He felt stressed and upset.

C.He wanted others to feel connected and cared.

D.He hoped to help others cure their diseases.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 suggest?

A.Our sense of touch isn’t so important.

B.Our sense of touch is undervalued.

C.Our sense of touch does no good to us.

D.Our sense of touch is thought highly of.

3.What does David J Linden think of social touch?

A.The way of offering social touch counts.

B.Offering hugs is the best way to get social touch.

C.Blind kids will be cured as long as they get enough social touch.

D.Many problems can be tracked back to babyhood short of social touch.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A health magazine. B.A research paper.

C.A guide book. D.A biology textbook.

