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One after another, telecommunications giants (通信巨头) have announced their latest fifth generation (5G) products. They have also claimed that 5G technology would be used on a massive scale by 2020. Yet, when reporting about 5G, many domestic media outlets have described it as a “much faster” technology than 4G without mentioning any of its other advantages. As a result, the common public view about 5G is that they could “download a high-density movie within one second”. Beyond that, most people know nothing about 5G.

Actually, 5G technology has many more advantages than 4G apart from speed. According to the criteria of 3GPP, an international standardization organization, 5G technology can be used for at least three purposes—for connecting everything, reliability of connections, and eliminating delays.

“Connecting everything” is an appropriate slogan for 5G technology, without which the Internet of things would be impossible. 5G would enable one server to connect to multiple terminals (终端) and thus establish high-speed coordination among them, and help the chips inside the terminals to timely react to meet people’s needs. Take for example, autonomous vehicles, which are mature technology products. Self-driving cars combine a variety of sensors, such as radar, computer vision, and GPS to identify navigation paths and obstacles. 5G technology will link all the elements of a transportation system, such as traffic lights, cameras and, of course, cars to establish perfect coordination so they can avoid obstacles and move on navigation paths, which will help strengthen self-driving technology.

Reliability of connections is another essential characteristic of 5G technology, whose use can be extended to other fields where high safety standards are required. For instance, in certain surgeries, surgeons insert nano-robots inside a patient’s body and have to maintain constant control over the robots to ensure they perform their functions and do not cause any harm to the patient. This is an technology can be of great help, as it can establish reliable and continuous connections between the monitor and the nano-robots.

1.What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follow?

A.Eliminating delays. B.5G network capacity.

C.Disadvantages of 5G. D.Building 5G base stations.

2.Which can also serve as an example of “connecting everything”?

A.Improvement of smart phone signals.

B.Decrease in telecommunication cost.

C.High speed in-playing computer games.

D.Online tests for all members at the same time.

3.Why can 5G be used in fields with high safety standards?

A.It can attract most eyeball on a massive scale.

B.It can provide dependable and constant service.

C.It offers massive machine type of communication.

D.It employs 4G base stations and occupy less space.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.5G Technology: More Than about High Speed

B.5G Technology Will Shape the Future of Connectivity

C.Telecom Giants Work Together to Better 5G Technology

D.Advantages and Disadvantages of 5G Technology and Products

