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About us

Fables and Fairytales.com is a non-profit site for visitors from all over the world to share and read fables and fairy tales.

Our main objective is to promote the importance of such stories in developing culture, imagination and creativity. We believe that reading the fables and fairy tales from different cultures allow us to build a greater understanding and appreciation of the diversity around the world.

We organise storytelling sessions around the world. Watch out for our monthly “Fable and Fairy Tale” writing competition for different age groups. We also run the permanent “Fable and Fairy Tales” museum in Hanau, Germany, at the home of the Brothers Grimm.

Contact us at museum@fablesandfairytales.com to arrange your visit!

The museum is open to all individuals and school groups with a booking. A multilingual guide is available on request. No charges for guides and admissions but donations are much appreciated.

Ongoing Event: Find a Storyteller

Listen to a story come to life with some of best storytellers in the world. Choose from enthusiastic performers who will sing and act out a famous story for you, or an elderly grandmother who will charm the audience with her voice alone. We have more than 150 amateur and professional storytellers in our list.

Join us as a storyteller!

If you are passionate about being a storyteller, send us a video of a reading to storyteller@fablesandfairytales.com.

Most of our storytellers are amateurs who do it for the love of the stories. Some are professionals who do charge for their services. Do contact to find out the cost, if any, for their services.

Put up a great performance and we will include you in our list!

1.What is the main goal of Fables and Fairytales.com?

A.It provides visitors with teaching resources.

B.It promotes the reading of fables and fairy tales.

C.It promotes various writing competitions around the world.

D.It conducts tours and lessons at the Fables and Fairy Tales Museum.

2.How does the Fables and Fairy Tales Museum support itself?

A.It charges for admissions and guides.

B.It makes profits from advertisements.

C.It receives money from the Brothers Grimm.

D.It relies on the donations given by visitors to the Museum.

3.What can we learn about the storytellers?

A.They get paid from the website by the hour.

B.They are expected to be above sixty years old.

C.They will receive professional training in acting.

D.They are chosen by the videos they have provided.

