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A man in Germany may not have been in danger when he called the police on a baby squirrel chasing him, but it all worked out for the best for the furry suspect.

Emergency services in the city of Karistruhe got a call on Thursday from a man afraid that the tiny animal wouldn't stop following him around, The Guardian reported. Police arrived at the scene, where the squirrel finally stopped running after him by lying down and going to sleep.

It turned out that the squirrel actually needed help, the police said, “It often happens that squirrels which have lost their mothers look for a replacement and then focus their efforts on one person,” the police spokesman Christian Krenz told The Guardian.

The squirrel, now named Karl-Friedrich, is in the care of an animal rescue center. Karlstruhe police posted a statement on Facebook about the animal, including several lovely photos. The department wished Karl-Friedrich the best.

The baby squirrel chase is the second police-involved squirrel incident to make international headlines this summer. Last month, a London woman called the police after she heard loud noises in her home and suspected a thief. The unwanted visitor turned out to be a “rogue squirrel”, according to the police who came for help.

Although authorities in the German case said the squirrel did need assistance, wildlife experts generally warn that before dealing with the case where you suspect a squirrel is orphaned, you should do your best to make sure the creature truly requires help. The Wildlife Center of Virginia, which gets hundreds of calls annually about supposedly orphaned squirrels, published this handy guide to help determine whether such an animal really needs help and what to do if so. When in doubt, contact a local wildlife rescuer, a rehab center on animal control.

1.Why did the man in Germany call the police?

A.A baby squirrel was asleep there. B.A baby squirrel tried to bite him.

C.A baby squirrel was lying down there. D.A baby squirrel kept running after him.

2.What does Karl-Friedrich in the passage turn out to be?

A.A woman from London. B.A lovely little squirrel.

C.An unwanted visitor. D.A local policewoman.

3.What do we know about the people making calls when they see squirrels?

A.They are very active in animal protection.

B.They are very eager to help disabled squirrels.

C.They think squirrels are endangered animals.

D.They think squirrels are in a hungry state.

4.What can we infer from wildlife experts' words in the last paragraph?

A.People should try to give first aid to injured or sick squirrels.

B.People should figure out whether squirrels actually need assistance.

C.People should help squirrels who are left alone as soon as possible.

D.People should contact a local wildlife rescuer when seeing orphaned squirrels,

