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Your Use of Technology May Be Causing You Pain

Have you ever bent your head down to look at a screen until your neck muscles hurt?1. Tech neck occurs when the use of phones, computers and other technology causes neck pain. It's a common problem, and it's on the rise.

2.They can also move your head around and even stretch it forward for a short amount of time. But bending your head forward for long periods of time can strain your muscles. That can make them sore.

But it's probably not realistic to expect people to give up their phones to avoid tech neck.3. You can do things to avoid tech neck even while keeping your smartphone.

First you can hold your phone up so you don't have to bend down to look at it. But this can be tiring for your arms. So keep your head upright, and look only with your eyes. Try to sit up straight as well.

Also, take breaks.4. If you've been sitting, stand up and walk around. Moving your body will help relax your muscles.

If you continue experiencing tech neck, you can do exercises to strengthen your neck muscles. Tech neck is a common result of using today's technology, but it doesn't have to be.5.

A.In the past people spent most of their time looking up.

B.And giving up technology altogether isn't necessary.

C.If so, you've experienced tech neck.

D.Once in a while, look up from your screen, and roll your shoulders back.

E.They often hold them at waist or chest level.

F.Your neck muscles are designed to hold your head upright.

G.If you're aware of the problem, you can take measures to avoid it.

