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Now come some money-saving ideas from a web forum (论坛), which may help you save a penny in the UK.

Nancy: Many people nowadays seem to buy clothes, wear then a couple of times and then give them to charity shops so that's where I do my shopping. You can pet some cheap but really good stuff and you know you’re your money is helping other people so it's a win-win situation in my opinion.

Ailsa: I'm a student and I have a part time job during term time and then work full-time during the holidays. You really can find some good bargains at the end of the day when a lot of food is reduced because it has reached its sell-by date (保质期). It's amazing how much you can save that way.

Gary: I must admit I don't think much about how or where I shop but I try to save money on electricity and gas in the house. Instead of turning up the temperature I put on another sweater and I close the doors. I encourage roommates to turn off the lights when they leave and we don't leave the TV or computer on standby (待机) as that uses up unnecessary energy.

Matthew: I've just moved to the UK. Someone told me about the "freecycle" scheme and I've managed to get almost everything without spending any money. Basically, you advertise what you don't need on its website for someone to collect it. No one makes any money so it really is a good exchange.

1.What's the saving idea shared by Nancy and Ailsa?

A.Using the student card for discounts. B.Buying things at lower prices.

C.Getting food from the charity. D.Saving money by earning

2.According to the passage, where can you get something you need for free?

A.In a charity shop. B.In a local supermarket.

C.On the freecycle website. D.On the university campus.

3.Who may be most interested in this passage?

A.Business people who travel a lot. B.People who care about education.

C.Women who like following fashion. D.Students who plan to study abroad.

