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Researchers have long known that lack of sleep can cause weight gain and increase other health risks. But for those who force themselves out of bed every weekday after too few hours of sleep, they always hope that turning off the alarm on weekends will repay the weekly sleep debt and change any ill effects around completely.

New research published in Current Biology destroys those hopes. Despite complete freedom to sleep in during a weekend recovery period, participants in a sleep laboratory who were limited to five hours of sleep on weekdays gained nearly three pounds over two weeks. They also experienced metabolic disruption (新陈代谢紊乱). Weekend recovery sleep had some benefits after a single week of lack of sleep. However, those gains were wiped out when people went back into their old schedule the next Monday.

“These health effects are long-term,” said Kenneth Wright at the University of Colorado at Boulder, who oversaw the work. “It’s kind of like smoking once was. People would smoke and wouldn’t see an immediate effect on their health, but now they will say that smoking is not a healthy lifestyle choice. I think “catch-up” sleep is in the early phase of where smoking used to be.”

Michael Grandner, at the University of Arizona, said the study highlights that people need to stop thinking of sleep as a balance sheet (资产负债表). Considerably cutting calories all week and then bingeing on (无节制地吃) a giant pizza on Saturday would not restore balance. That is essentially what people are doing when they skip sleep on weekdays with the idea that they can make up for it on the weekend.

The study suggests people should put sleep first — cutting out the optional “sleep stealers” such as watching television shows or spending time on electronic devices. Even when people do not have a choice about losing sleep due to tight schedules, they should think about sleep first in the same way they would a healthy diet or exercise.

1.Why do people hope to sleep longer on weekends?

A.To avoid some debt concerns. B.To cure some illness.

C.To get some health benefits. D.To get complete freedom.

2.What can we infer about weekend recovery sleep from Kenneth Wright?

A.It has the long-term benefits. B.It hides some potential harm.

C.It causes smoking problems. D.It contributes to losing weight.

3.What does the text suggest people do about sleep?

A.Sleep well every day. B.Guarantee weekly sleeping hours.

C.Make up for missing sleep. D.Stop watching TV shows before bed.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Weekend “Catch-Up Sleep” Is a Lie.

B.Watch out for "Sleep Stealers".

C.Sleep and Smoking are alike.

D.Lack of Sleep Does No Good.

