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On October 28, 2006, my day started out like most Saturdays. It had been amazing, but I didn’t quite _______ it to Rogner’s.

As I attempted to open my _______, the light was blinding. I didn't recognize my _______ Was I dreaming? I tried to focus... “she’s _______.” I heard someone say. Where was I?

“You’ve been in a terrible _______ and you’re going to be _______.” I heard someone say. The _______ was familiar. I realized it was my sister, but what was she doing here and where was I?

Over the next few days, I learned I had been _______ by a car while going to Rogner’s house. I had _______life-threatening injuries and had not been expected to __________.

During the next few months I __________ various painful rehabilitation (复原) processes. During this time, I had to depend on others for most of my basic __________— showering, dressing and eating. I also found it __________ to recall things and usually, what I wanted to say, was not what came out of my mouth.

As weeks turned to months and months turned to years, the __________ at the loss of my pre-accident self was hard to forget. __________ it seemed even more painful than the __________ pain I dealt with every day.

To this day I still miss my old __________ terribly, but I started to realize that to move forward I must find the strength to __________ the chapter of my pre-accident life and hug the process of creating a new life.

By __________ my story, I hope to inspire anyone who is going through a life-changing experience to keep going. __________ after a disaster, you can still create a new life.

1.A.make B.get C.help D.pass

2.A.mouth B.arms C.eyes D.book

3.A.sister B.surroundings C.words D.identity

4.A.thinking B.sad C.tearful D.awake

5.A.fire B.explosion C.accident D.mess

6.A.OK B.right C.lucky D.conscious

7.A.voice B.face C.procedure D.scene

8.A.attacked B.taken C.driven D.struck

9.A.caused B.suffered C.treated D.added

10.A.run over B.operate C.survive D.hide away

11.A.prepared for B.got over C.gave up D.went through

12.A.knowledge B.needs C.senses D.communication

13.A.guilty B.necessary C.difficult D.useful

14.A.pain B.thought C.sight D.prediction

15.A.In turn B.Above all C.After all D.At times

16.A.spiritual B.physical C.visual D.hidden

17.A.self B.friend C.hospital D.photo

18.A.begin B.close C.describe D.analyze

19.A.listening to B.advocating C.sharing D.acting out

20.A.Only B.Thus C.Therefore D.Even

