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Imagine that a close friend ignores you when you arrive at his party. 1. But if you think about the situation differently, you would calm down. Using a particular emotion management strategy called reappraisal, which involves viewing an upsetting event in a positive light, is often effective in contributing to positive outcomes.

2. The research showed that if people believed feelings were malleable (可塑造的), they used reappraisal more frequently, and in return they had greater emotional health and life satisfaction.

University of Toronto researcher Brett Ford and her colleagues did another study. 3. The researchers found that the youths who believed emotions were controllable used reappraisal more and were less depressed than those who didn’t.

Does accepting our feelings impact our well-being? 4. In one research, the researchers stressed out participants by requiring them to give an impromptu (即兴的) talk. In another research, people kept daily diaries about how they handled stressors (紧张性刺激). In both cases participants who accepted their feelings experienced less negative emotions than people who judged their feelings.

“However, while emotions may be changed with efforts, that doesn’t mean they’re completely controllable,” says Eric Smith of Stanford University, “we shouldn’t expect to completely avoid or immediately remove certain of feelings. 5.

A.It found a similar pattern.

B.You would be angry or upset, right?

C.We have beliefs about our emotions.

D.According to Ford and her colleagues, it does.

E.But we can learn to reduce them in hard times.

F.They were also less depressed and more satisfied with life.

G.Now, new research suggests our beliefs about our feelings affect us greatly.

