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Americans spend nearly 40 minutes a day cleaning their homes. Fortunately, you can re-gain those precious minutes with these genius cleaning tips that only the professionals know 1.!

Freshen up your garbage disposals (处理器)with some lemons.

With all the junk we throw into our garbage disposals, it's no wonder that they're real petri dishes (培养皿)with the awful smell to prove it. Thankfully, making them a whole lot cleaner is easy: Simply drop some cut lemons down your drain.2..

Make the bathtub clean with grapefruit and salt.

3.. So the next time you’re at the supermarket, make sure to throw an extra grapefruit into your cart—not for eating, but for cleaning. Just cut the fruit open and cover it in salt. The salt creates a special texture while the acid in the grapefruit will help break down stains.


Research published in 2015 in Scientific Reports suggests that our coffee makers are an absolute hotbed of bacterial activity, which means that we might just be taking in some of that disgusting stuff along with our dark roast. 5.? A monthly vinegar wash should do it. Simply fill your coffee maker's reservoir with a few tablespoons of white vinegar mixed with water, run it once more with only water to remove any remaining vinegar smell.

A.What problem will be caused by the bacteria

B.This his fruit is the perfect solution to a dirty tub

C.So, how should you fight with all that bacteria

D.Clean out your coffee maker with some vinegar

E.Get ready to have your home look twice as spotless in half the time

F.These tricks can help you be more subjective and work more efficiently

G.As your disposals covers up those skins, it will start to smell fresh and great

