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One cold evening, I was waiting outside for a taxi in New York City. Later, I was _______by a man in his thirties. Obviously, he was angry, complaining how _______New Yorkers were. I knew my _______would only be about 10 minutes and a part of me wanted to keep _______and just move on, but I also wanted to try and connect.

I asked him why. He told me he had just come from JFK airport _______a customer, which means $70 in lost fare (车费), a fairly big deal. I tried to share his _______. Gradually, he calmed down. He mentioned he had read an article _______that the happiest people are those who give. _______, he hoped to have more chance to _______in his life, I was starting to ________being with him!

Arriving at my destination, I paid him, giving a generous tip. I also pulled out an extra $20 and said, “Sir, I share the same ________of giving with you. Here’s the extra money for you. ________it, since you’ve already ________$70 from JFK. But, if you want to experience the ________of giving, give it to the next ________.”

For a moment I thought I was so ________! But the driver ________me by saying, “Sir, I have a ________idea. You give that $20 to a homeless person and I will serve the next rider for free.”

It was an honor meeting the driver and learning the lesson of ________everyone is able to give and surprise ________with their generosity.

1.A.taken up B.picked up C.sent up D.put up

2.A.serious B.cruel C.horrible D.strict

3.A.ride B.flight C.way D.distance

4.A.free B.calm C.busy D.silent

5.A.with B.without C.for D.to

6.A.delight B.worry C.unhappiness D.surprise

7.A.saying B.writing C.telling D.speaking

8.A.Otherwise B.However C.Besides D.Therefore

9.A.give B.share C.take D.forgive

10.A.mind B.regret C.enjoy D.hate

11.A.idea B.action C.practice D.story

12.A.Forget B.Keep C.Put D.Pay

13.A.given B.got C.lost D.gained

14.A.force B.energy C.strength D.power

15.A.passenger B.conductor C.stranger D.tourist

16.A.bad B.cool C.silly D.simple

17.A.disappointed B.satisfied C.surprised D.encouraged

18.A.better B.further C.worse D.newer

19.A.what B.when C.which D.how

20.A.one B.another C.other D.some

