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These days, both women and men 1.(surround) by magazines and websites full of tips about dieting, exercise and fashion. Gone are the days 2. all men had to think about wearing a nice suit to be smart and handsome. Things have changed.

Now, a survey has suggested that 80% of men admit 3.(be) unhappy about their body. The biggest body issues for 4. (they) were beer bellies and lack of muscles. Some think this sudden vanity is due 5. the pressure or influence of role models we see on TV and in magazines. People end up with a perception of 6. the perfect body should look like. But not everybody wants to put in the effort to have perfect muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger. An opportunistic designer has even invented a muscle-enhancing shirt 7.(make) the buyer look more of a hunk (猛男).

But Joe Warner, the former editor of Men’s Fitness magazine, thinks the muscle-enhancing shirt is just 8. trick. He thinks many people in the country are overweight and should accept they need to do exercise regularly. Exercise is always good. 9.we mustn’t forget beauty is only skin deep. Character is more important than 10. (appear).

