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Invited to Kim’s graduation ceremony, my wife and I had our two kids with us there. The crowded auditorium (会堂)was filled with people ________ themselves with their speech drafts, who were in ________ of the calling of their names. Each graduate walked across the stage to receive this piece of paper that ________ his or her academic accomplishment.

Kim looked up at us and was trying to control the tears, but in ________. She was not doing a good job of it. ________ emotions is not something that Kim does very well. There she was, ________ in line, prepared to receive her diploma. There was a good ________, but to me it was as if she had been standing in front of me. That simple act of gently rubbing the tears of ________ and looking up at those loved ones really ________ me.

“Kimberly Anne Conway, graduating magna cum laude(以优异成绩)” was ________ over the auditorium’s sound system. She walked ________ across the huge stage and received this piece of paper, the ________ of her effort. I glanced at my wife and saw tears roll gently down as the ________ she had for her sister showed itself on her face.

Kim is not a(n) ________ college graduate. She is 38 years old, and has made an effort, ________ for the past four years. She attended college while working full-time, and ________ to obtain the college degree. Many times she felt like ________, and she would have done so without the ________ from other students.

Everyone in the auditorium was ________ by Kim that day. And I want Kim to know that I have the greatest________ for her.

1.A. enjoying   B. comforting   C. fanning   D. entertaining

2.A. expectation   B. honor   C. favor   D. fear

3.A. promoted   B. completed   C. evaluated   D. represented

4.A. silence   B. vain   C. doubt   D. peace

5.A. Putting off   B. Turning down   C. Suffering from   D. Holding back

6.A. running   B. standing   C. jumping   D. jogging

7.A. excuse   B. chance   C. distance   D. approach

8.A. achievement   B. amazement   C. disappointment   D. punishment

9.A. interrupted   B. convinced   C. reminded   D. touched

10.A. exhibited   B. determined   C. announced   D. predicted

11.A. curiously   B. cautiously   C. anxiously   D. proudly

12.A. impression   B. appreciation   C. recognition   D. influence

13.A. love   B. confusion   C. sadness   D. prediction

14.A. enthusiastic   B. average   C. creative   D. positive

15.A. especially   B. specially   C. eventually   D. initially

16.A. happened   B. continued   C. failed   D. struggled

17.A. explaining   B. quitting   C. complaining   D. apologizing

18.A. ignorance   B. chance   C. encouragement   D. agreement

19.A. inspired   B. instructed   C. comforted   D. acknowledged

20.A. patience   B. respect   C. responsibility   D. tolerance

