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What to Do When Someone Doesn’t Like You

When someone tells me , “I don’t care if people like me,” they are showing me the emotional wall they use to block the hurt of rejection.

As humans are social animals, all of us care if people like us. Based on the need for social connection, your reactions to rejection and negative judgment can range from minor hurt to breakouts of depression. 1.

The first step to handle a negative situation is to recognize your reaction. Ask yourself, “What am I feeling?”. 2.Any betrayal (背叛) or embarrassments in your heart? Identify what feeling has shown up in your body? so you can choose what to do next.

3.When you sense yourself shutting down or feeling defensive, ask yourself what the person actually meant to do to you, Did they truly mean to offend you, or make fun of you ? Your brain works very hard to keep you safe , so it will judge a situation as threatening if there is any possibility of social harm.

When our brains sense a possible threat, we react as if we were personally attacked. Take a breath to relieve the stress, 4.

Finally, if you believe the person doesn’t like you , ask yourself if this matters. 5.If not, what can you do to release your need to be liked by this person? And, what can you do to stay neutral and not return the dislike? The more you can come to accept others as who they are , the more you can move forward with your goals regardless if someone likes you or not.

A. If you can , look the person in their eyes.

B. Do you feel any fear or anger in your head ?

C. Ask yourself what is true about the situation.

D. Often people do not realize the impact of their words.

E. Will the person’s judgment of you impact your work or life?

F. The ability to let a show of dislike roll off your back is a learned skill.

G. This will ground you in the present and take you out of your trembling mind.

