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One Saturday afternoon,my mother was driving home. On the halfway, after_____ her credit card to buy something at the store near the gas station, she put her wallet on the top of the car just for a moment to_____ my phone call. And then_____, she forgot and drove off. When arriving home, she realized that and thought that the_____ of getting it back was small.

She was so_____ surprised when she found a_____ on the door from a person who said he and his friend found her wallet a few hours earlier. Patrick and Catherine saw the wallet in the middle of the road a few_____ from the gas station. They stopped their car to_____. It was filled with all the things one usually kept in a wallet, including some_____ and other cash. However,no phone number,_____this, they managed to get a(an)_____from my mother's driving license, and without hesitation, they decided to drive to our home to_____it.

When my mother went to get the wallet she was so_____ and grateful. She_____ to give them some money as a(n)_____ of gratitude, but they refused, saying that they were just glad to_____ my mother help.

They were naturally_____ , and they had a firm_____ in the Golden Rule as well. They drove over to my house because they realized the unpleasant and upset experience that the loss of a wallet and all its contents could_____. I think they were really_____ and helpful.

1.A. pulling out B. applying for C. paying for D. making out

2.A. make B. answer C. hear D. send

3.A. Carefully B. Ridiculously C. Obviously D. Deliberately

4.A. amount B. expectation C. thought D. chance

5.A. curiously B. joyfully C. willingly D. strangely

6.A. sign B. signal C. note D. postcard

7.A. stops B. hours C. squares D. blocks

8.A. pick it up B. look it up C. take it up D. put it up

9.A. pictures B. envelopes C. bills D. napkins

10.A. Instead of B. Despite C. Without D. Beneath

11.A. number B. photograph C. address D. index

12.A. get B. check C. exchange D. return

13.A. upset B. relieved C. fortunate D. warm﹣hearted

14.A. intended B. advised C. demanded D. instructed

15.A. feeling B. mood C. present D. expression

16.A. offer B. share C. trust D. seek

17.A. honest B. selfish C. frank D. creative

18.A. courage B. faith C. support D. devotion

19.A. fulfill B. ignore C. value D. cause

20.A. ambitious B. civilized C. polite D. considerate

