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Being mistreated at work can out their negative emotions on loved ones at home. But a new study suggests that getting more exercise and sleep may help people better cope with them by leaving them at work where they belong.

Previous research shows that employees who are looked down on or insulted by colleagues are likely to go express their frustrations and behave angrily toward people outside of work, says study co-author Shannon Taylor, a management professor at the University of Central Florida’s College of Business.

The new study backs up this idea, but offers a bit of good news as well: Employees who averaged more than 10,500 steps a day or burned at least 2, 100 calories were less likely to mistreat their cohabitants than those who averaged fewer steps of burned fewer calories.

The findings also revealed that when employees felt they had a bad night’s sleep because of work issues, they were more likely to be grouchy at home. “When you’re tired, you’re either less able or less motivated to regulate yourself”, says co-author Larissa Barber, a professor of psychology at Northern Illinois University.

Physical activity seems to counterbalance poor sleepy, Barber says, because it promotes healthy brain functions needed to properly regulate emotions and behaviors. “This study suggests that high amounts of exercise can be at least one way to improve the situations brought by sleep troubles that lead to negative behaviors at home,” she says.

Barber acknowledges that finding time to work out and get a full night’s sleep can be difficult when work pressure is mounting, and that often, job stress can be directly related to sleep quality. But she says making the effort to burn some extra calories and blow off some steam can be worth it. “It’s not only good for you”, says Taylor, but it can benefit the people you live with as well.

1.What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph l refer to?

A. Loved people at home.   B. Negative emotions.

C. Different work pressures.   D. More exercise and sleep.

2.Who will most probably behave angrily to family members?

A. A person who always is easy to get tired.

B. A person who often goes to the gym to work out.

C. A person who often argues with colleagues.

D. A person who is always treated badly by coworkers.

3.The underlined word “counterbalance” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “________”.

A. make use of   B. take control of   C. make up for   D. keep up with

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. Work pressure makes no difference in sleep quality.

B. How to burn more calories has become a major issue for workers.

C. Enough exercise can replace good sleep in dealing with negative behaviors.

D. The amount of calories employees burn affects the frequency of losing temper.

