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What’s top of your list of new year resolutions for 2016? Do more exercise? Eat better? Spend more time with your children? Find a fulfilling career? How about ticking all your boxes and simply be happy?

1. Happiness is often an indirect consequence of our actions and the way we think.However,the good news is that making even the smallest adjustments can help us attain that kind of state we all want to achieve.Rachel Kelly,author of Walking on Sunshine,offers some simple changes we can all make to our lives to improve our state of mind.

◆Be mindful

2. It can be any routine activity you perform during the rush of the day,like hand washing.Slow down and give the task your full attention.You’11 soon start appreciating these small moments of stillness.

◆Follow the 60% rule

Perfectionism is an illusion,but the pursuit of it is real and can have damaging consequences. 3. If a friendship,relationship,work project is 60%right,then you’re doing well.


When things get too much,try the one-finger-on-the-nose breathing trick. 4. Then just breathe through the other nostril.By halving the rate at which you breathe,you lower your blood pressure and trigger(引发)the body’s relaxation response.


Breaking a sweat,ideally the first thing in the morning,releases a chemical in the brain to reduce pain,and which in large amounts can make you feel relaxed and energetic and sets you up for the day.5.  

A.So readjust your thinking.

B.So,if you can,start your day right.

C.Build a“mindful”activity into your day.

D.Sadly,you can’t simply“become”happy.

E.Press a finger against one side of your nose.

F.With so many external pressures can any of us be truly happy?

G.It’s all about creating the right conditions for your body to feel relaxed.

