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Next week,strangers with a truck will take away everything we own,except the clothes on our backs,the car we will drive,and as much stuff as we can pack into it.

It’s called ____ .Some people do it often.For others,like me,it’g a _____experience.In all my adult years,I’ve moved only three times.

My first ____ and I moved into our first house with a bed,our clothes and a few gifts.That was many years ago.Over the years,I ____ that house with three children,a few dogs and enough stuff to ____ the ceiling.

Then the kids grew up,I lost my husband to cancer,and I began to learn about ____ .

First,I let go of the ____ of being in contro1.Life isn’t about being in charge of what  ___ ;it’s about being in charge of what we do with it.

Next,I let go of  ___ the things I care most about,like keeping in touch with the people that ____ the most to me.

I let go of the people whose ____ are about anger or hatred,and tried instead to ____ myself with those who shine with ____ .

Finally,I let go of being alone—I remarried.I ____ moved to a new city with my new husband,and after that move,I  __  I’d stop collecting meaningless things.But 12 years later,here I am,still learning about letting go.

We’11 all move someday from this ____ to the next,but we won’t need a truck to do it.We’ll take ____ with us and leave behind a(n) ____ of the life we lived,the mistakes we  __  ,and all the love and kindness we tried to show.

That memory might not be a treasure,but if we’re  ___ ,someone will keep it and hold it close and never let it go.

1.A. moving B. changing C. losing D. missing

2.A. similar B. familiar C. rare D. valuable

3.A. son B. daughter C. husband D. wife

4.A. equipped B. filled C. involved D. provided

5.A. paint B. repair C. build D. reach

6.A. holding on B. 1etting go C. giving back D. turning down

7.A. plan B. idea C. concept D. decision

8.A. devotes B. matters C. happens D. arrives

9.A. putting off B. coming across C. making out D. taking over

10.A. offer B. appear C. indicate D. mean

11.A. issues B. subjects C. 1ives D. beliefs

12.A. present B. attract C. support D. surround

13.A. kindness B. patience C. fortune D. humour

14.A. naturally B. eventually C. formally D. regularly

15.A. suggested B. informed C. insisted D. promised

16.A. city B. town C. world D. country

17.A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

18.A. memory B. experience C. record D. history

19.A. completed B. made C. conducted D. forgot

20.A. optimistic B. generous C. determined D. fortunate

