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In the early spring of 1974, the now world-famous photographer Stephen Wilkes was a 16- year-old reporter and cameraman for his high school’s television station. His best friend was also a reporter for the _______, and together they came up with the wild idea of_______some of the great news broadcasters and journalists of the age. So they wrote personalized, hand-written letters to dozens of them.

Nobody _______but perhaps the greatest news broadcaster and journalist of them all: Walter Cronkite, who generously offered to spend a full _______ with the boys. Stephen and his friend understood that this would be the most _______reporting event of their lives, so they prepared_______for it.

They_______dozens of thoughtfully well-prepared questions and practiced the questions over and over again. When the day of the interview _______, they were ready. They sat with Mr. Cronkite and asked him one question after another, carefully_______each question on their notepad. And Mr. Cronkite was unbelievably__________ with his answers for the entire hour.

Then, as they were__________ things up, he said, “Boy, I’d like to ask you both an important question; Do you know what makes a __________interview?”

Stephen and his friend were caught off-guard, so they quickly began searching __________their notepad, which didn’t provide an obvious __________. Mr. Cronkite smiled and quickly rescued them, __________. “Being a good listener, boys. That’s what truly makes a great interview. Being a good __________will always lead you to the next best question.”

The boys looked up at the legendary broadcaster and suddenly __________ they had spent their whole hour robotically __________one scripted(照本宣科的) question after another meaninglessly, but not truly listening or __________to a single answer. And if they had listened, they could have allowed Mr. Cronkite’s answers to guide their question, and guide them to a far more __________ hour together.

1.A. company   B. station   C. town   D. country

2.A. becoming   B. knowing   C. studying   D. interviewing

3.A. replied   B. cared   C. accepted   D. believed

4.A. minute   B. hour   C. day   D. week

5.A. challenging   B. fortunate   C. important   D. rewarding

6.A. separately   B. anxiously   C. independently   D. carefully

7.A. gathered   B. employed   C. received   D. composed

8.A. passed   B. ended   C. arrived   D. occurred

9.A. looking at   B. breaking down   C. leaving up   D. checking off

10.A. patient   B. funny   C. strange   D. wise

11.A. making   B. packing   C. turning   D. cleaning

12.A. slow   B. peaceful   C. great   D. content

13.A. for   B. inside   C. through   D. with

14.A. way   B. answer   C. favor   D. chance

15.A. complaining   B. warning   C. declaring   D. explaining

16.A. listener   B. reporter   C. broadcaster   D. cameraman

17.A. mastered   B. realized   C. expected   D. remembered

18.A. showing   B. donating   C. asking   D. guiding

19.A. responding   B. sticking   C. objecting   D. agreeing

20.A. effective   B. unforgettable   C. interesting   D. meaningful

