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It was a Wednesday night. A middle-aged man came in for a tooth extraction (拔牙).He was sitting_______in the waiting hall when I took his blood pressure, which was_______at 160.

I was a little worried because we are not supposed to extract teeth from patients with high blood pressure. Understanding my_______, he explained that he was just_______. I led him to the dental chair, trying to calm him down.

Most patients are a little nervous before treatment, so we normally_______with them to help them relax.  I said, "Extraction can be scary, but we will try to make it less_______.”

He said, "No, you don’t understand. " After a while, he_______, "My father died of heart attacks on the dental chair. And last week I was_______with cancer. So it's hard for me to_______.”

1 was____________I tried hard to say something to____________him, but I failed and sank into silence.

The doctor came in. He____________the patient and started to talk about the extraction. The patient, ____________. told his story. The doctor____________and said, "Okay, I see. Let me know if you don't feel well during the____________. " He started the procedure, constantly asking the patient how he____________. When we successfully pulled his tooth, I____________a sigh of relief.

We doctors will meet different patients in our____________.Sometimes they come with____________memories of treatment. What we can do is to try our best to help them.

To be a doctor means serving patients with a____________heart.

1.A. happily B. excitedly C. anxiously D. breathlessly

2.A. high B. low C. strong D. weak

3.A. role B. concern C. desire D. behavior

4.A. curious B. lonely C. cautious D. nervous

5.A. speak B. inform C. chat D. tell

6.A. effortless B. painless C. unbearable D. uncomfortable

7.A. added B. explained C. thought D. evaluated

8.A. diagnosed B. checked C. examined D. infected

9.A. cheer up B. come in C. set out D. calm down

10.A. speechless B. noiseless C. soundless D. wordless

11.A. encourage B. comfort C. motivate D. indicate

12.A. welcomed B. greeted C. waved D. operated

13.A. however B. therefore C. again D. thus

14.A. laughed B. nodded C. shook D. realized

15.A. extraction B. discussion C. treatment D. relaxation

16.A. felt B. judged C. recognized D. expected

17.A. blew B. sighed C. squeezed D. breathed

18.A. jobs B. lives C. careers D. performances

19.A. good B. hopeful C. serious D. bad

20.A. kind B. heavy C. caring D. sinking

