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Art has always been a vital part of my life. When I was o ld enough to appreciate genuine fine art , my parents started bringing me to museums that housed works of the greatest artists in the world.

When my art teacher asked us to do a Cubist(立体派的)drawing, my first thought was that she was just joking. I didn't like Cubism.  I thought to do so means making fun ofthe true artists I admired. Unwillingly, I began to find out items for my drawing, I carelessly drew the objects all from different view points. The pictures all looked like a mess of lines and shapes anyway, but I was more concerned with how many more minutes were in the period because I was hungry. Yet, the other part of me was growing quieter. I began to take my task seriously and darken specific lines. I stared at my drawing and determined which ones needed to be emphasized. I was soon shading certain shapes black and they brought out important figures. It must be absolutely perfect.

When I showed her my finished drawing, my teacher looked at me with her huge smile and simply stated, "You are a Cubist. " At that moment the world stopped moving. My cubist drawing was the best piece of art I had ever created, not because I had spent the most time on it but because I had felt it.  I thought of how I produced it.  Once I felt frustrated, trying to perfect my black lines.  Another time I was delighted in breathing life into the drawing by adding color.  All of these emotions showed themselves in my work, giving it life that none of my previous works had had. Cubism set me free, showing everything I knew, everything I was, and everything I wished I could be. I had found the missing link, and the world began to move again.

1.How did the author first react to his art teachefs request?

A. He was unwilling to do it.

B. He was pleased to do it.

C. He was worried about it.

D. He was confused about it.

2.What do you think of the writer according to the text?

A. Absent-minded. B. Self-centred.

C. Warm-hearted. D. Strong-willed.

3.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph refer to?

A. The enthusiasm of painting. B. The relationship with his teacher.

C. The method to do a Cubist drawing. D. The determination to be a Cubist.

4.What lesson can we get from the text?

A. Practice makes perfect. B. Attitude is everything.

C. It is-never too old to learn. D. Action speaks louder than words.

