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You can help your firm innovate(创新) by creating a culture in which all employees are actively encouraged to put forward ideas. But how do you get the best from people and encourage them to be at their most creative.

Stress the importance of creativity. 1. If they don’t understand innovation can keep your firm competitive, your efforts at encouraging creative thinking risk falling flat.

Make time for brainstorming. Find some time for new ideas to come out. For example, set aside time for brainstorming, hold regular group works hops(研讨会) and arrange team days out. A team involved in a brainstorming session is likely to be more effective. 2.You should also give individuals the space to reflect privately on their work if you think they need it.

Challenge the way staff work. 3. Ask people whether they have considered alternative ways of working and what might be achieved by doing things differently.

4.Motivate individuals or teams who come up with winning ideas by actively recognizing creativity, for example through an award scheme. You can reward those who just have a rich flow of suggestions, regardless of whether they are put into action at work.

Act on ideas. Creative thinking is only worthwhile if it results in action. Provide the time and resources to develop and carry out those ideas worth acting on. 5.In addition, the flow of ideas may well dry up if staff feel the process is pointless.

A. Reward creativity.

B. The problem is that our minds are lazy.

C. Be willing to make mistakes.

D. Make sure all your employees know that you want to hear their ideas.

E. Individuals within the team can test and improve the ideas together.

F. Encourage employees to keep looking at the way they approach their work.

G. Failure to do so means that your firm may fail to benefit from innovation.

