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Chomolungma, “Goddess Mother of the World,” the local name of Mount Everest, is a fitting name for the 1. (high) peak on earth. Mount Everest 2. (worship) by followers of the Buddhist religion, and two temples, respectively in Nepal (尼泊尔) and China have been built 3. (face) the peak.

In 1852, a British surveyor excitedly burst into his supervisor’s office and made an 4. (announce): “Sir, I have discovered the world’s summit!” Thus the world outside the Himalayas learned of Everest’s claim to fame. However, the remoteness of the peak, its “thin air,” the 5. (predict) climate, and political and religious reasons delayed the first climbing plan. It was not until 1921 6. an attempt was made.

Numerous later expeditions failed,7. each time, climbers got closer to the summit. New equipment, including oxygen 8. (tank) for the thin air, helped.9. May 29, 1953, a New Zealand beekeeper named Hillary and his Nepalese guide Tenzig reached the top of the world and planted 10. national flags.

