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Each of us is going to be faced with obstacles and challenges throughout our lives. There will always be discouraging moments and people _______ the message to you -- you can't. There will be people that will try to hold you _________ from your achievements, from realizing your _________.

There was a small town girl that felt the same ___________ moment. Throughout her high school years she would have healthy  ____________ in academics with her fellow students. Her dream and passion was to be well educated. In her _________ year of High School, her guidance counselors told her not to ________ with getting a higher education. Just be satisfied with a common blue collar job _______ they felt that this was all she could manage. She went on to the University of Saskatchewan to _________ her Law Degree with honors. With good luck, she _________ to pay her own way through university with a ________ at a local shopping mall. Today, she is a lawyer for the government. She is _________ respected for her excellent job by her peers and co-workers. There is a wonderful _____ by Mary Kay Ash, "The bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying ________ ." Mary, a little girl from Texas did just this.

Some events in your _________ are just thrown at you. Too many are of ill winds trying to blow you off ________ . When someone that had your respect as a teacher, parent, or friend ________ out to be false, your success must come from believing in yourself. When someone is pushing you down with this ill advice, take it as a _________ to prove yourself and show that you are worthy of your dreams. You are worthy to do __________ it takes. You are worthy of your accomplishments. Hard work usually brings its own ________ .

1.A. taking   B. holding   C. sending   D. asking

2.A. up   B. down   C. out   D. back

3.A. ambitions   B. fears   C. imagination   D. decision

4.A. encouraging   B. depressing   C. exciting   D. amazing

5.A. competitions   B. activities   C. relationships   D. attitude

6.A. first   B. final   C. previous   D. past

7.A. deal   B. fill   C. make   D. bother

8.A. where   B. as   C. when   D. that

9.A. hold   B. accept   C. complete   D. apply

10.A. helped   B. intended   C. managed   D. agree

11.A. wish   B. job   C. deal   D. rest

12.A. highly   B. equally   C. rather   D. even

13.A. word   B. message   C. idiom   D. saying

14.A. anyway   B. most   C. instead   D. somehow

15.A. dream   B. life   C. position   D. reply

16.A. plan   B. distance   C. notice   D. course

17.A. works   B. takes   C. turns   D. leaves

18.A. rule   B. break   C. means   D. moment

19.A. whatever   B. whichever   C. however   D. whenever

20.A. effects   B. results   C. rewards   D. relief

