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“Hey, who wants a drink?”

“OH, come on, just one drink won’t hurt you. It’s fun.”

“It’s cool. Everybody drinks, right?”

Drinking alcohol is dangerous for teens and sometimes for adults. It's easy for kids to get the wrong message about alcohol. They might see their parents drink or watch TV commercials that make drinking look like a lot of fun. But alcohol is actually a depressant(镇静剂). 1. Like many drugs, alcohol changes a person’s ability to think, speak and see things as they really are.

2. A person might lose his or her balance and have trouble walking properly. He might hurt himself or other people, especially if he drives a car. Someone who drinks too much also might throw up and could wake up the next day feeling awful.

Drinking too much alcohol can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can kill a person. Over time, people who abuse alcohol can do serious damage to their bodies. 3.

Keeping drinking as a habit can also develop a problem called alcoholism(酗酒). Someone who has a alcoholism is eager for alcohol. 4. A person who starts drinking alcohol at a young age is more likely to develop alcoholism.

Alcoholism can continue over time. It often gets worse, too, because the person may start to experience health problems related to drinking. In addition to liver problems, long-term drinking can damage the pancreas(胰腺), heart and brain.

5. As a teenager, help yourself by not starting in the first place.

A. The liver, which removes poisons from the blood, is especially at risk.

B. But with help, anyone who has a problem with alcohol can be successful at stopping.

C. It's normal to be curious about new things, especially if it seems like everyone is doing it.

D. When people drink too much, they might do or say crazy things.

E. You might see people drinking and watching sports together or having a big party.

F. That means it’s a drug that slows down or depresses the brain.

G. The person has little control over his or her drinking and can’t stop without help.

