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How to Store Strawberries

You’ve scored some beautiful strawberries and brought them home with great care. You’ve washed a few and eaten them immediately, but what to do with the rest? 1. These simple tips for storing strawberries guarantee the least waste:

First things first, don’t wash the strawberries until you’re ready to eat them. Strawberries are ready to absorb water.2.

If you plan on eating or cooking with the berries within a day and it’s not too terribly hot in your kitchen, you can leave the strawberries out at room temperature. Put them in a pretty bowl within easy eyesight so people remember to eat them.

3. Take a shallow bowl or plate with a clean kitchen towel. Place the unwashed strawberries in more or less a single layer and refrigerate them. Stored this way, very fresh strawberries will keep for several days. The closer you can create this dry and un-pressed situation, the better.4.

If you’re not planning on using the strawberries within a few days, you’d better freeze them rather than keep them all fresh. Frozen strawberries are perfect for baking up in cakes, and other treats.5. They say frozen strawberries hold their shape better. Besides, whenever you have strawberries about to be not at their best, you can also place them in the freezer. By the end of strawberry season, you’ll likely have enough of them to make jam.

A. There are different answers to this question.

B. They say frozen ones are to be more easily stored.

C. Actually, many bakers prefer frozen berries to fresh ones.

D. Again, don’t wash them until you’re going to use them!

E. And once they’ve met with water, they are quick to rot away.

F. For overnight storage, however, you’d better refrigerate them.

G. Strawberries can go bad easily, especially when not stored correctly.

