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What does home really mean? Is it the people around you who make a place familiar and loved, or is it the tie to land that's been in your family for generations? Anna Quindlen's new novel investigates both, seen through the eyes of Mimi Miller, who narrates the story of her life—and of the strike to the people and to the land she loves—her 1960s girlhood to the present day.

The book begins with the summer Mimi is 11 and everything around her is about to change in Miller's Valley. She lives with her parents, her older brothers—rakish Tommy and practical Eddie—and her Aunt Ruth, her mother's sister, who keeps a terrible secret, and who never leaves the confines of her small house behind Mimi's. The farm has been in their family for almost 200 years, and Mimi can't imagine life beyond it.

The land has always been wet, it seems to Mimi. There's always a sump pump running in Mimi's house, and when it storms, mud comes right up to the front porch. But then, the government steps in, deciding to flood “6, 400 acres of old family farms and small ramshackle homes and turn it into a reservoir by using the dam to divert the river,” transforming corn fields into strip malls, drowning the valley under water, along with a way of life that has been perpetuating itself for generations. They'll buy up homes and resettle everyone, insisting that new is so much better than old. At first the town stubbornly resists, except for Mimi's mother who announces, “Let the water cover the whole damn place.”

But Mimi is desperate to stay. She has no idea what else there is to want, or where else she could possibly live or who else she could possibly be other than a girl on a farm with her family. Her father, too, is tied to the land he loves, and Ruth balks at even stepping outside her house. But as the river is allowed in, dampening the ground,  loosening ties, it seems to drown people little by little, forcing secrets to float up to the surface and change things in ways you might never expect.

Quindlen makes her characters so richly alive, so believable, that it's impossible not to feel every doubt and dream they harbor, or share every tragedy that falls on them. Mimi's mother is mysteriously bitter toward Ruth,  and closemouthed about why. Eddie grows into an efficient man, more like a "friendly visitor" than a brother,  who sees and seizes opportunity, becoming an engineer and building new homes for the displaced, as if the future were like a bright, shiny penny. Tommy, the sibling Mimi adores, gets by working odd jobs, car repair, and later selling drugs and going off to war and prison, a man who just tragically never found his place.

But what's Mimi's place? “I knew there was a world outside,” she says. “I just had a hard time imagining it.” When she gets highest honors in school, her mother insists, “This is your road to something better than this.” And then to Mimi's astonishment, she gets a full scholarship to medical school. She doesn't want to leave, but finally,  slowly, she begins to move toward her future, to gather ambition and purpose, and to truly see beyond the confines of her life.

If there is a weak link at all, it's Donald, a childhood friend of Mimi's who moves away, but hasn't made more effort to visit more often. Still, the novel is overwhelmingly moving. We experience how the land changes through the “foggy mist of summer” to “the dry-ice mist of winter.” And the floodwaters channel in, “so that on the evening of the third day the people in town thought Miller's Valley was having its first earthquake."

The ending fast-forwards like a tide, carrying all these lives we've come to deeply care for into middle age and beyond, as people marry, birth children, move on and, yes, die. Family bonds are restructured, and secrets are revealed that either wedge people apart or bind them together. But Quindlen also allows her characters mystery —and some of what's unknown stays unknown, which polishes her story with a kind of haunting grace and truthfulness.

1.Anna Quindlen investigates the meaning of home through the following EXCEPT     .

A.Mimi Miller and her life experiences B.the offence to the people in Miller's Valley

C.the invasion to the land in Miller's Valley D.different outlooks on leaving the family farm

2.The underlined word “perpetuating” in Paragraph 3 means     .

A.existing B.preserving C.involving D.keeping

3.What does the sentence “Ruth balks at even stepping outside her house.” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A.Ruth is reluctant to depart from her house.

B.Mimi's Aunt is greatly attached to the family farm.

C.Mimi's Aunt has a personality of natural reserve.

D.Ruth cannot resist walking around her house.

4.The characters in Quindlen's novel are     .

A.full of ambition and purpose B.weakly linked interpersonally

C.strikingly lifelike and impressive D.clearly revealed to the public in the end

5.What might Mimi's future fortune be like?

A.She is admitted to medical school through a full scholarship.

B.She seizes opportunity to become a female engineer.

C.She eventually finds her place beyond the confines of her life.

D.She steps into the road to something other than highest honors in school.

6.What could the passage most probably be classified into?

A.A biography. B.A book review. C.A news report. D.An argumentative essay.

