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Failure in a relationship, business, career and exam or sudden loss of a close one can make us lose patience and calmness. However, the only person who can help you keep calm is you! You have to find the cause of your problem and then work on it. Here are some tips on how to be calm.

Steal some solitary(独自的)moments from your life! Go to a calm and cool place, maybe your local park, a less-visited restaurant or any place that can give you some peaceful moments with yourself. Simply sitting on cool green grass under the limitless sky cam make you feel relaxed. If you can’t find any place, it’s also a good idea to dim (使暗淡)your sitting room light and sit relaxed on your sofa.

Talk to the “inner you ”! Open your mind, effortlessly, without a calculating and judging mind! Don’t let yourself be troubled by any belief and thought,. It’s not so simple. But if you just do so, you’ll slowly develop an inner peace. Or course, this doesn’t mean that you’ll stop the daily work linked to thinking! Carry your life as you’ve been, but just sometimes, sit and order your mind to relax.

Lean to manage anger! Avoid the things that cause so much stress that they lead to uncontrollable anger. Self-talk can teach a person how to change that inner voice from an aggressive(好斗的) voice to a problem-solving voice. Walking away from a situation until you have better control over your anger will help you avoid creating situations that may grow into dangerous situations.

In short, there are many ways to be calm in any situation. Keeping calm is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Not only will it be good for your health, it can also help you have a better relationship with other people.

Title: How to become calm

1.________of loss of calmness  ●Failure in a relationship, business,career and exam

●Losing 2.________

3.________For becoming calm Steal solitary moments from your life.

●Go to a calm and cool place to 4.________

●Dim your sitting room light and sit relaxed on your sofa.

Talk to the “5.________”

●Open your mind without 6.________anything.

●Avoid being troubled by any belief and thought.

Learn to7.________

●stay away from stressful things to avoid uncontrollable anger.

●Change the inner voice from an aggressive voice to a8.________one.

●Walk away to avoid creating dangerous situations.

9.________of being calm    ●Being good for health

●10.________your relationship with other people

