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完形填空:共20题 每题2分 共40分

My three-year-old granddaughter fell from the bicycle before I could catch her. Emily    there for a moment, calculating her chances of survival.    the chances were in her favor, she sat up with a    that quickly turned into tears when she saw the blood on her knee. I took her in my arms, saying words of    as I carried her into the house to deal with her hurt.

With much comfort, she let me wash and put ointment (药膏) on her    .

I kissed her cheek.“All    now, sweetie?”

“No, Grandma, you haven't said the Mommy    ,” she said.

I    ran a list of Mommy words through my mind:Please?Thank you?I love you?

“You know, Grandma. Mommy    them to make me all better.”Emily took a deep breath and recited, “A little kiss, a little hug, I give you these, with all my love.”

My mind raced and I    .It was the same little song that I had said to my    ,my mother to me,and her mother to her. My grandmother died when my mother was eight. There had been nothing left but her dear    .When she became a mother herself, she    the gentle love of her mother and the remembered comfort of the “Mommy words” that made all    things go away and only the good remain. Hearing it now, I realized that though I had never met my grandmother, I did    her. We were mothers—we were    at the heart.

It was    my grandmother had written her legacy (遗产) of love on the hearts of four    of mothers. I heard my grandmother's, my mother's, my daughter's, my granddaughter's, and my own voice    through time.

“Don't    , Grandma. I am all better,” Emily said, wiping the tears from my face. We kissed and hugged, and said the Mommy words to each other.

1.A.lay      B.sat C.stood D.slept

2.A.Doubting  B.Wishing C.Proving D.Figuring

3.A.joke     B.reply C.gesture D.smile

4.A.praise   B.comfort C.thankfulness D.encouragement

5.A.foot     B.arm C.knee D.cheek

6.A.warmer   B.better C.nicer D.safer

7.A.words   B.accents C.dialogues D.speeches

8.A.directly   B.cautiously C.quickly D.eagerly

9.A.says     B.keeps C.announces D.teaches

10.A.failed   B.remembered C.refused D. laughed

11.A.friends   B.parents C.children D.neighbors

12.A.stories    B.books C.gifts D.memorie

13.A.passed on  B.took over C.gave up D.showed off

14.A.hard     B.soft C.old D.bad

15.A.fear      B.know C.forget D.believe

16.A.disappointed B.surprised C.worried D.connected

17.A.because   B.since C.as though D.not until

18.A.groups   B.generations C.types D.pairs

19.A.mixing   B.rising C.shouting D.shaking

20.A.stop     B.move C.cry D.wait

