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Ten years ago, Sean Carter was a student at university. One night, he was __ in a car with a friend who had been drinking. They __ and Sean was left in a wheelchair __ a brain in jury. He has been unable to walk or talk since then and his mom, Jenny, has been __ him.

“What were you feeling __ you found out I had been in a car __?” Sean asks his mom.Sean speaks by using his finger to __ words onto an iPad. Those words are then translated into audio. “I was shocked,” Jenny says. “It was just so hard seeing your child’s __ body in a bed for so long. You couldn’t do anything for two years.”

Over the years, Sean has become more __, though he says he’s not yet ready to do everything alone. “it’s __ living with your mom when you’re 32 years old,” Jenny says, while Sean __ and replies, “Oh, yeah!”

Jenny, 63, then asks her son, “If this was our last __, what would you want to say?”

“Let me __ you right there,” Sean tells his mom. “I know you will be here for many years to __. But I want you to know how __ I am for what you have done for me. You gave up your life to give me a life.”

“Yeah. But it’s OK,” Jenny responds. “__ is really the value goods that we have, and if you can __ time with somebody else, that’s probably the most important thing you can do for someone. It’s the only thing that __.”

Sean replies, “I don’t say this enough. You’re the picture of unconditional __. I admire your __ to be the best mom you can be, and you do a fine job. I love you beyond the moon and back.”

1.A. chatting   B. arguing   C. driving   D. playing

2.A. crashed   B. dashed   C. attacked   D. struggled

3.A. of   B. with   C. for   D. on

4.A. giving in to   B. taking control of   C. looking forward to   D. taking care of

5.A. before   B. through   C. when   D. because

6.A. accident   B. seat   C. road   D. track

7.A. put   B. type   C. draw   D. move

8.A. strong   B. heavy   C. soft   D. lifeless

9.A. independent   B. generous   C. clever   D. careful

10.A. hard   B. interesting   C. foolish   D. funny

11.A. worries   B. laughs   C. cries   D. complains

12.A. dinner   B. trip   C. operation   D. conversation

13.A. reward   B. forget   C. stop   D. expect

14.A. come   B. spend   C. waste   D. disappear

15.A. regretful   B. thankful   C. painful   D. understanding

16.A. Hardship   B. Friendship   C. Emotion   D. Time

17.A. kill   B. save   C. share   D. calculate

18.A. matters   B. survives   C. lasts   D. lives

19.A. joy   B. reward   C. apology   D. love

20.A. idea   B. duty   C. story   D. confidence

