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1. The cruel reality: not very safe, potentially. Despite this, some simple steps are to make your online experience safe. Read on to find out the easiest ways to make sure your information is kept safe.

●Manage passwords.

Constantly changing your password has always been a basic form of protection. 2.First passwords should never

include your personal information. So stay away from names and birthdates. Ideally, passwords should contain different letters, random numbers. It’s better to have a very strong, long password that doesn’t have any personal information.


Deceptive phishing (网络钓鱼) is one of the most common types of trick. It’s best to view all emails with care. Hackers can make emails look like real. company emails. That can trick readers into clicking on dangerous links. If doing so, you could end up introducing a virus to your computer or accidentally giving sensitive information to the wrong people.

●Use two-factor identification,

Two-factor identification adds a second level of security to an account, It’s a security option that requires a password as well as an additional piece of information only the user would know. Sometimes, it’s a code sent to your cellphone that has to be entered after a password. 4.

● Updated apps and operating systems are a must.

Too often, users are unwilling to update their mobile devices. It seems that updates only change the way your phone’s software looks. 5.

●Be careful with public charging stations and Wi-Fi.

Charging stations and Wi-Fi are a convenience provided to the public, but they can bring risks for they may be connected to another compromised (缺乏免疫力的) device. If you connect to Wi-Fi and then it asks you to download something, you shouldn’t do that.

A. View emails with a sharp eye.

B. In fact, it can make your phone work fast, too.

C. What should we do to keep our information safe?

D. Actually, they often come with security improvements.

E. The additional characteristic can keep your information much safer.

F. How safe is personal information on your computer or cell phone?

G. But what passwords to pick and how to manage them really matter.

