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1.There's no need to be tense or cram(死记硬背).By doing a couple simple things ahead of time,you can ensure that you are confident and ready for anything that comes up on the test.

2.After you have taken notes from studying all of your materials including the book and your notes,use that information to make flash cards.Turn statements into questions.

Quiz yourself.Once everything is written down on flashcards,quiz yourself with the cards.Keep reviewing the questions that you get wrong until you get them right.You can carry flashcards around with you and quiz yourself when you're on the subway or riding in the car.3.Definitely continue to quiz yourself until your get them all right.

Do practice questions.4.Practice doing the questions in the book that you were assigned for homework.Do extra questions in the back of the book.Re-do questions that you got wrong,and try to figure out why you got them wrong.Do practice questions until you feel more comfortable with subject matter.

On the day of the exam,set your alarm at least two hours before the test.Scientists believe that a good night's rest is the key to better test scores.An hour and a half before the exam,start running through all the themes and sub-topics in your head.Like always,check your notes if you get stuck.Use your flashcards to help you commit all the tiny details to memory if they're not already memorized.5.If you're given yourself enough time to study,you should feel well prepared and relaxed.

A.Go on a balanced diet.

B.Take exercise and keep it up.

C.Make flash cards.

D.This is especially helpful for subjects such as math.

E.You might quiz yourself for a half hour or so,then take a break.

F.Stop studying at least 15 minutes before the exam,but an hour is preferable.

G.Preparing for an exam can be stressful and time-consuming,but it doesn't have to be.

