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Taking a vacation with friends could turn out to be the getaway of a lifetime or one that’s a total disaster. How do you make sure the trip is a success? 1.. Here are some tips on planning a vacation with friends that’s memorable in the right kind of way.

Establish expectations first

You may think that you and a friend have the same idea of a holiday because you both want to go to the beach, but you might be interested in relaxing while your friend is looking forward to going to nightclubs. 2. or you are setting yourself up for conflict.

Have an itinerary (旅行路线)

When traveling with others, set an agenda ahead of time to avoid any last-minute, tense negotiation. Either work with a travel adviser to create the itinerary or delegate (委派) one person in the group for the job — it should show when activities start, and how long and what exactly they are. 3..

Build in some space

You don’t have to spend all your time with your friend. 4.. Order room service for breakfast one day or plan other meals and a few tours for just you and your family. But it’s best to schedule these ahead of time — not when you feel that you cannot spend another minute together.


Deciding who is paying for what and how it will be tracked should be discussed before your trip. You can end up with one person who doesn’t drink feeling angry that they are splitting the bills with people who order expensive bottles of wine, and this is the kind of anger that can destroy a friendship.

A. Choose the ways to treat friends

B. Figure out money matters first

C. Make sure you understand each other’s ideas of vacation

D. In fact, taking breaks makes your time together more enjoyable

E. Different ways to parent may not matter at home but can be obvious on vacations

F. It’s all about choosing the right travel partners and going in with some ground rules

G. And everything should be optional, so whoever isn’t interested doesn’t have to join

