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A troubled young man in Connecticut laid his hands on the kinds of guns that no civilian should ever have and shot 20 children and 6 adults . It was a tragedy that “ broke the hearts of America ” , as President Barack Obama said . The obvious way to prevent the next such massacre is gun control . And , yes , we need it now . Voters need to be loud , politicians need to be brave , and the gun lobby needs to be defeated . Perhaps Barack Obama , no longer up for election , will no longer be chicken .

But American violence doesn’t just come from the weapons we buy and the gun shows we frequent . It’s much deeper than that . This is also the country that supplies three-quarters of the world’s arms trade . These are weapon sales authorized by our government and by a Democratic President . International weapon sales by America between 2010 and 2011 tripled . The same Democratic President continues a policy of targeted ( often poorly ) assassinations in Pakistan .

This country also supplies most of the world’s violent entertainment . America leads the world in massacres in life , and in film too . The most popular movie this week , “ SKyfall , ” is a load of fun ; but every emotional climax involves a shooting , sometimes with small guns sometimes with large ones . Firearms have long been identified with manliness in popular culture . Ever more they are identified with womanliness , too . The most popular culture . Every more they are identified with womanliness , too . The most popular video game this week is “ Halo 4 ; ” the most popular novel is Tom Clancy’s “ Treat Vector ; ” the second and s\third best-selling works of nonfiction are “ Killing Kennedy ” and “ Killing Lincoln , ” respectively . Every author , and every creator , should have the right to make what they want . Still , every civilian has a right to choose what to see and what to buy .

Violence is sometimes essential to art , and often to foreign policy , too . But the cruel killing in Newtown , the worst single event in this country in eleven years and three months , should lead to a moment of deep reflection . It’s time to talk about guns ; but it’s also time to talk about a lot more .

1.What does the underlined word “ massacre ” in paragraph 1 probably mean ?

A. Awful accident            B. Serious condition

C. Mass killing                D. Great destruction

2.The author lists some examples of violent entertainment EXCEPT __________ .

A. movies                B. books

C. songs                D. games

3.Which of the following would the author probably agree with ?

A. Gun control is the only solution to violence in America .

B. Arms trade can benefit our society if limited to a certain degree .

C. Readers should be given the right to choose what they want .

D. Violence in art should share the blame for the killing in America .

4.The best title for the passage would probably be __________ .

A. The Roots of Violent Movies

B. America’s Culture of Violence

C. Bloody Killing Shocked America

D. Divide on Gun Control in America

