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After the surgery, Sun suffered intense pain, but insisted that he didn‟t need any medication. One evening, he found Law, his wife, crying on the balcony of their apartment in a rare outburst of frustration. “If you won‟t help yourself, no one else can,” she said.

Sun started a list “How to Help Myself”, and on it he wrote, “Keep communicating with the doctors, even if they are darker thoughts.” On Oct. 20th, a few days before his 33 birthday, Sun wrote in a Facebook post, “It‟s been hard to get along with having aggressive and incurable Grade 4 brain cancer; it‟s been hard not to get angry and sad about it; it‟s been frustrating that every pathology(病理)test after my surgery came back with the worst possible result; and it‟s been hard to accept that modern medicine isn‟t able to fix me.” At the same time, he wrote, “Every day I wake up not-dead is a gift.”

Sun and Law had other lists, detailing the things that they hoped to accomplish in life, which included a trip to Wimbledon; climbing Mt. Snowdon in Wales; and a range of musical aspirations(愿望)----from learning the Bach sonatas(奏鸣曲)and partitas(变奏曲)to performing the first violin part in a concert. Sun started working on Bach‟s six sonatas and partitas for unaccompanied violin, the most difficult parts, which George Enescu, a world-famous violinist, once described as the Himalayas for violinists. Sun practiced every day, even if he could manage only fifteen minutes between medical treatments. As he mastered each piece, he posted his performances on Facebook. He finished on November 12th, then turned to the even more difficult Paganini caprices(随想曲), which he had often listened to in a recording by Itzhak Perlman. “It‟s something I always wanted to play when I grew up, like wanting to be great baseball player,” he said.

1.Law cried on the balcony because .

A. she suffered great pain from the Grade 4 brain cancer

B. Sun refused to get medical treatment after the surgery

C. nobody else wanted to help them out of the situation

D. no money was left to pay for Sun‟s the medical treatment

2.Which of the following can best describe Sun‟s feeling when he wrote “Every day I wake up not-dead is a gift.”?

A. grateful   B. sad   C. frustrated   D. determined

3.The couple‟s list of things they hoped to accomplish in life included .

A. playing tennis in Wimbledon   B. cycling in Mt. Snowdon in Wales

C. learning Mozart‟s sonatas and partitas   D. playing the first violin part in a concert

4.In the last paragraph, Bach‟s six sonatas and partitas is compared to the Himalayas for violinist to stress.

A. its popularity among people   B. its value for learners

C. its difficulty when being learned   D. its importance in violists‟ eyes

